Bio identical Hormone therapy Rumson, NJ - Renewal Hormone Center

What is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone therapy involves using hormones that are structurally identical to those found naturally in the human body to supplement decreasing hormone levels. The process requires a medical evaluation to determine current hormone levels and customize a treatment plan consisting of FDA-approved bioidentical estrogen and progesterone to restore balance.

Why Bioidentical Over Synthetic Hormones

Bioidentical hormones have a chemical structure identical to the hormones produced by the ovaries or testes. This allows them to bind more effectively to cell receptors and mimic natural hormonal activity in the body.

In contrast, synthetic hormone compounds often have slightly different structures which may produce undesirable side effects. Using natural bioidentical hormones helps avoid risks posed by synthetics.

Our services

Tailored Dosing Formulations

Compounding hormone compounding pharmacy like Renewal Hormone Center create personalized bioidentical hormone combinations specific to each patient's deficiency levels and dosage needs. This custom-blending allows precision tuning unavailable with mass-produced drug formulations.

Our knowledgeable staff stays current on the latest bioidentical hormone research to continually optimize and adjust each woman’s dosage and delivery method over time as needed. This attention ensures each treatment maximizes benefits while minimizing side effects.

Rigorous Sourcing Standards

Renewal Hormone Center adheres to strict sourcing standards when selecting ingredients for our tailored bioidentical hormone replacement therapies. We use only USP-grade hormones and compounds with extensive purity testing. This diligence guarantees our treatments offer optimal safety and effectiveness.

Who Can Benefit from Therapy

Women and men experiencing symptoms associated with declining hormone levels often find relief through properly administered bioidentical regimens. Some specific groups who tend to respond very well:

Perimenopausal & Menopausal Women

Women entering perimenopause and menopause suffer falling estrogen and progesterone causing hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disruption, vaginal dryness, irritability, anxiety, depression, weight gain, and bone loss. Bioidentical estrogen and micronized progesterone supplementation delivered via skin cream, sublingual drops, pellets, injections or lozenges can effectively alleviate these symptoms and health risks.

Andropausal Men

Andropause involves steadily dropping testosterone levels causing low energy, emotional changes, reduced muscle mass, increased body fat, insomnia, erectile dysfunction and lowered sex drive. Male bioidentical hormone replacement therapy counteracts this deficiency through bioidentical testosterone via injections, gels or subcutaneous pellets. This restores normal hormonal signaling and reverses associated deterioration.

Adrenal Fatigue Sufferers

Prolonged stress can overtax the adrenal glands causing chronically elevated cortisol which then depletes testosterone, progesterone and eventually estrogen. Adrenal fatigue leads to exhaustion, body aches, sleep disruption, anxiety, brain fog and mood instability. Low adrenal function requires nourishing support via bioidentical DHEA and targeted adrenal glandulars coupled with lifestyle changes to manage stressors.

Those with Oophrectomies & Hysterectomies

Surgical removal of the ovaries or uterus eliminates bodily production of estrogen and progesterone leading to rapid onset menopausal symptoms and bone loss in pre-menopausal women. Hormone therapy becomes essential to counteract this sudden deficiency. Renewal Hormone Center therapists specialize in treating such cases.

Conditions Improved with Bioidentical HRT

In addition to relieving discomfort from hormone withdrawal itself, properly administered programs also benefit many other health conditions including:


Estrogen deficiency accelerates bone loss increasing susceptibility to fractures. Bioidentical estrogen combined with micronized progesterone, vitamin D3 and K2 works synergistically to improve bone density and calcium absorption protecting skeletal integrity.

Heart Disease

Declining estrogen allows LDL cholesterol to rise while increasing inflammatory factors linked to plaque buildup in arteries. Bioidentical estrogen helps lower LDL and triglycerides to safer levels, raises protective HDL, and decreases inflammation – all improving cardiovascular risk profiles.

Type 2 Diabetes

While the exact mechanisms remain unclear, studies confirm estrogen helps regulate glucose metabolism. Bioidentical hormone therapy often lowers fasting blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity aiding glycemic control in peri- and post-menopausal diabetics.

Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease

Estrogen facilitates neurotransmitter activity and enhances connectivity in regions of the brain critical to cognition and memory. Supplementing waning estrogen levels may help delay onset of neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s which disproportionately impact women.

Anxiety, Depression

Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone strongly influence mood, motivation and emotional state. Restoring balance to these neurohormones frequently alleviates troublesome psychiatric symptoms many experience during peri- and post-menopause or andropause.

Sexual Dysfunction

In both men and women, declining reproductive hormone levels directly cut libido and sexual responsiveness often dramatically interfering with intimacy and eroding relationships. Carefully restoringmissing hormones frequently resurrects sex drive and functioning.

Getting Started with Renewal Hormone Center

Recapturing your health, vitality and inner balance begins with a consultation from one of our experienced bioidentical hormone specialists. We guide you through every step of regaining your optimal self.

Initial Assessment

We conduct laboratory testing analyzing your IGF-1, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, T3, T4, TSH, DHEA-S, vitamin D, A1C%, cholesterol panel, CRP and other key markers to precisely identify specific deficiencies underlying symptoms. This establishes an accurate hormone baseline from which we craft truly personalized therapies.

Custom Treatment Plan

Leveraging test findings, medical history, genetic risk factors and symptomology, our practitioners working alongside compounding pharmacists design a treatment strategy using bioidentical hormones and supplements targeting your exact needs and physiology. We inform all options from creams to troches to injectables identifying the ideal delivery pathways.

Follow-up Monitoring & Adjustments

We closely track patient progress through follow-up labs, regularly tweaking doses to realize optimal benefits while minimizing side effects. We also provide nutrition guidance and lifestyle coaching to improve foundational health further empowering treatment. Our commitment persists until patients fully regain energy, cognitive sharpness and inner equilibrium.

If you struggle with inexplicable fatigue, emotional swings, uncontrollable weight gain or other unwelcome changes, we encourage you to explore bioidentical hormone replacement tailored specifically for you by Rumson's top choice for integrative hormone therapy – Renewal Hormone Center. Our expertise in precision balancing advanced chronobiological therapies makes us the premier clinic serving Twin Cities residents ready to reclaim their vitality.

The Critical Importance of Timely Treatment

Allowing hormone levels to remain suboptimal for extended periods permits cumulative damage to accrue across vital systems including the brain, heart, metabolism, immune function and bones. The disposable soma theory of aging posits that gradual falling hormones essentially signal the body to begin shutting down maintenance investments as part of a normal staged system failure.

Waiting to address hormone depletion means progressing further down this decline slope making rehabilitation more difficult if not impossible in extreme cases. Accordingly, scientists correlate longevity directly with retaining youthful hormone profiles.

Therefore, at the first onset of night sweats, hot flashes, fatigue, mood swings, sleep disruption, or weight gain, we encourage prompt diagnosis and early intervention to halt deterioration and refortify waning vim and vigor. Many patients express regret about postponing hormone optimization for years while suffering steady erosion in quality of life.

Do not resign yourself to discomfort or disability. Take control and be proactive by contacting Renewal Hormone Center for responsive, evidence-based regimens unleashing your innate potential even through advanced age. Our exceptional standards empower patients to win the fight against time. We aim for fact, not hype or hope. Science guided by experience delivers results.

Try bioidentical hormone therapy for symptom relief.

Why Renewal Hormone Center Leads the Field

What establishes Renewal Hormone Center as unrivaled leaders in bioidentical hormone therapy? Our distinctive approach integrating advanced diagnostics, precision delivery methods and proven protocols demonstrates measurable superiority. We also remain vigilant to the latest innovations and research to continually push the leading edge.

Advanced Testing

We utilize advanced diagnostic techniques like Genova, ZRT, and Dutch laboratories for the most accurate, expansive and actionable hormone data. This rigorous precision ensures no deficiencies go unseen, enabling perfectly tailored therapies. No other clinic serving the Twin Cities offers this level of diagnostic sophistication.

Innovative Delivery Systems

From sublingual troches, to precision time-release skin creams, to sustain-release hormone pellet implants, we offer the full gamut of advanced delivery methods matched to your needs and lifestyle. Avoid painful shots or inconvenient pills. We identify your optimal uptake technology.

Proven Protocols

Our doctors and expert compounding team rigorously monitor developing medical science to continually refine our regimens implementing demonstrated best practices. We served as lead clinic for the Wiley Protocol demonstrating validated approaches now widely adopted across the field of anti-aging medicine. Clients enjoy the latest confirmed techniques.

Staff Longevity & Experience

Our practitioners and pharmacists average well over a decade each in successfully treating thousands of patients with custom compounded bioidentical hormone therapies. We accumulated tremendous experiential insight into what works for whom and why. This translates into more rapid symptom relief and fewer hassles for you.

For these reasons and more, Renewal Hormone Center stands clearly apart as the top destination for all your hormonerelated needs from menopause to andropause to adrenal fatigue and beyond. Contact us today to unlock your best self!

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